Attributes | col2 |
Graph.structure |
Graph structur represented as a matrix of nodes separated by level |
Graph.actual_layer |
Represent the number of layers of de diagram |
Methods | Description |
Graph.get_nodes_size() |
Representa la cantidad de nodos en el grafo |
Graph.add_node(Node) |
Add a node to the graph |
Graph.add_new_layer() |
Add a new layer to the graph |
Graph.remove_not_active_nodes_down_top(layer_index) |
Remove not active nodes in layer, construction bottom_up |
Graph.remove_not_active_nodes_top_down(layer_index) |
Remove not active nodes in layer, construction top_down |
Attributes | Description |
DD.problem |
An instance of the problem class, used to create the decision diagram. |
Methods | Description |
DD.create_decision_diagram(verbose) -> void |
Creates the initial decision diagram and records the time taken |
DD.create_reduce_decision_diagram(verbose) -> void |
Creates the reduced decision diagram and records the time taken. |
DD.create_restricted_decision_diagram(verbose) -> void |
Creates the restricted decision diagram and records the time taken |
DD.create_relaxed_decision_diagram(verbose) -> void |
Creates the relaxed decision diagram and records the time taken. |
DD.print_decision_diagram()->str |
Prints the decision diagram for visualization, noting the limitation of a maximum of 4 different line types. |
DD.export_graph_file(file_name)->void |
Exports the current decision diagram to a .GML file. |
DD.get_decision_diagram_graph()-> Graph |
Returns the current decision diagram graph object |
DD.get_decision_diagram_graph_copy()-> Graph |
Returns a copy of the decision diagram graph object, ensuring it is not a pointer to the original. |
DD.get_dd_builder_time()->void |
Returns the execution time of the DDBuilder. |
DD.get_reduce_dd_builder_time()->void |
Returns the execution time of the reduce constructor. |
DD.get_restricted_dd_builder_time()->void |
Returns the execution time of the restricted constructor. |
DD.get_relaxed_dd_builder_time()->void |
Returns the execution time of the relaxed constructor. |
Attributes | Description |
ObjectiveFunction.graph_DD |
The decision diagram graph to be solved. |
ObjectiveFunction.time |
Time taken to solve the decision diagram. |
ObjectiveFunction.answer |
Structure that stores the solution of the objective function |
Methods | Description |
ObjectiveFunction.set_objective_function(objective_function)->void |
Stores the necessary information to define an objective function. |
ObjectiveFunction.solve_dd()->AnswerStructure |
Solves the decision diagram, returning the optimal solution. |
ObjectiveFunction.get_time() -> str |
Returns the execution time of the solving algorithm. |
ObjectiveFunction.get_the_solution -> AnswerStructure |
Returns the precomputed solution from solve_dd(). |
Attributes | Description |
problem.initial_state |
The initial state of the problem, which can be a list, integer, string, etc., depending on the specific problem requirements |
problem.ordered_variables |
A list of variables sorted in the specific order that was given. |
problem.variables_domain |
A dictionary mapping each variable to its domain. |
Methods | Description |
problem.equals(State state_one, State state_two) -> bool |
Abstract method that must be implemented by subclasses to determine if two states are equal. |
problem.transition_function(previus_state, variable_id, variable_value) -> (State state, bool feasibility) |
Abstract method that must be implemented by subclasses to define the transition function. |
problem.get_priority_for_discard_node(state) -> int value |
Method that should be implemented by subclasses to define the priority function for discarding nodes. |
problem.get_priority_for_merge_nodes(node_id, state) -> int value |
Method that should be implemented by subclasses to define the priority function for merging nodes. |
problem.merge_operator(state_one, state_two) -> State state |
Method that should be implemented by subclasses to define the new state when two nodes are merged |
problem.get_state_as_string(state) -> string state |
Method that should be implemented by subclasses to define a string representation of the state. |
Methods | Description |
MaxFlow.get_time() -> double |
Returns the execution time of the max-flow algorithm. |
MaxFlow.get_max_flow() -> double |
Returns the precomputed values in the solve_max_flow() section. |
MaxFlow.get_remaining_arcs_capacities() -> unordered_map<string, double> |
Returns the remaining capacities of the arcs in the graph. |
MaxFlow.solve_max_flow(capacities) -> bool |
Solves the maximum flow problem in the graph with the provided arc capacities. Returns a boolean indicating whether the solution was successfully found. |
Methods | Description |
Cut.get_time() -> double |
Returns the execution time of the cut algorithm. |
Cut.get_cut() -> pair<vector<double, double>> |
Returns the precomputed values from the generate_cut() method. |
Cut.generate_cut(x_values, verbose) -> bool |
Solves the decision diagram, finding a cut. Returns a boolean indicating whether the solution was successfully found. |
col1 | Description |
LiftCut.get_time() -> double |
Returns the execution time of the lift algorithm. |
LiftCut.get_lift_cut() -> pair<vector<double, double>> |
Returns the precomputed values from the lift_cut() method. |
LiftCut.lift_cut(coeficcients, constant) -> bool |
Lifts the cut by improving the coefficients and right-hand side value. Returns a boolean indicating whether the solution was successfully found. |