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Detailed Explanation of Optimization Problems and Their Implementations

For a comprehensive understanding of these classes, it is recommended to thoroughly review the examples available in the "/Examples/" folder within the code and execute Knapsack/KnapsackMain. These examples are generic and open for testing different values. Below, we will explain the examples in detail.


The Knapsack Problem is a classic optimization problem in combinatorial optimization. It involves selecting a subset of items from a given set, each with a specific weight and value, such that the total weight does not exceed a predetermined limit and the total value is maximized.

Components of the Knapsack Problem:

1. Items:
  • Each item has a weight and a value.
  • For example, items can be represented as tuples (weight, value).
2. Capacity:
  • The knapsack has a maximum weight capacity.
  • The sum of the weights of the selected items must not exceed this capacity.
3. Objective:
  • Select items to maximize the total value without exceeding the knapsack's weight capacity.


Consider a set of items:

  • Item 1: Weight = 10, Value = 60
  • Item 2: Weight = 20, Value = 100
  • Item 3: Weight = 30, Value = 120

And a knapsack with a capacity of 50.

The goal is to select items such that their total weight is ≤ 50 and their total value is maximized. In this case, the optimal selection would be items 2 and 3, with a total value of 220 and a total weight of 50.

Types of Knapsack Problems:

1. 0/1 Knapsack Problem:
  • Each item can either be included or excluded from the knapsack.
  • No partial inclusion is allowed.
2. Fractional Knapsack Problem:
  • Items can be broken into smaller pieces, allowing for partial inclusion.
  • This version can be solved using a greedy algorithm.


  • Resource allocation
  • Budget management
  • Cargo loading


In the KnapsackMain file, you will find a generalized version of this linear problem, allowing for flexible input of variable weights and constraints. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to work with the knapsack problem:

1. Input Weights and Constraints:
  • Provide the weights of the variables in the different constraints using the matrix_of_weight parameter.
  • Specify the right side of the constraints in the right_side_of_restrictions parameter, the weight capacity.
2. Define Initial State and Variables:
  • Set the initial state in the initial_state parameter, for example 0 if this refers to the selected weight up to that minute..
  • Provide the variables along with their domain in the variables parameter, it's binary you should use {0,1}.
3. Create an Instance of KnapsackProblem:
  • With the weights and constraints provided, create an instance of the KnapsackProblem.
4. Generate Decision Diagram:
  • After defining all the parameters, generate a decision diagram by using the various features explained earlier.
5. Data Consistency Checks:
  • The implementation includes checks to ensure data consistency, avoiding any inconsistencies in the provided data.

By following these steps, you can effectively test and utilize the knapsack problem features.